Tuesday, September 14, 2010

2 years old - morning of their birthday

Lexi riding the new car from MeMom & Granddad.

2 years old - morning of their birthday

Riding the new cars from MeMom and Granddad!

(new kitties are the passengers)

2 years old - presents from Mommy & Daddy

The girls loved their new kitties that Daddy picked out. They knew from Day 1 whose kitty was whose since they were different colors.

2 years old - presents from Mommy & Daddy

2 years old - Birthday present from Daddy & Mommy

The girls were excited to wake up to their Dora kitchen. They immediately went to cooking!

Playing with the new birthday toys - Thank You

Playing with the new toys - Thank You

Playing with our new toys - Thank You!

Friday, September 10, 2010